The start start 11/22/22

 Taylor had another bleeding/loose stools episode while we were waiting for her to be transported.  After it she got so weak she literally started falling like a wet noodle.  The nurse and I together held her up until a wheelchair came.  She was soooo pale.  Transport finally came and we are now at childrens mercy.  The doctor came in and let us know right away that he didn’t think this was cancer related.  So that was a relief.  He’s not sure what’s going on though.  They are going to run a few tests and we are going to hang out until the bleeding stops or they know what’s wrong.  The sickness the family and Taylor have is Flu A.  She feels pretty terrible.  Blood is also on the way, that should help her perk up some.

Her hemoglobin is down to 4.2 😳😳 she’s going to be getting 2 units of blood!


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